Prince Xavier Blake
Top Traits:
Athletic, Cautious, Reserved, Blossoming Leader
Sports—especially basketball, playing video games
Family Note:
Brother of Prince Evan
Xavier first arrived in Ahoratos with his brother, Evan, after being awakened in the middle of the night by Ruwach.
Compassionate and thoughtful, Xavier knows that there is more to life than what he can see. The more time he spends in Ahoratos, in his armor, and with Ruwach, the more he begins to understand that the things happening here are a direct result of what is happening there. So . . . all those times Xavier thinks Evan is the problem? Uh-uh. And the times he is unsure of himself even though he’s smart and talented? Those doubts are just lies from Poneros - the evil one in Ahoratos. Xavier is beginning to recognize his true enemy. He is a leader—and he'll grow more confident in that role each day.

Prince Levi Arthur
Top Traits:
Personable, Trendy, Outgoing, Street Smart
Family Note:
Son of Mr. J. Ar.
Levi is a go-getter with a gregarious personality. He is liked by everyone he meets. He arrived in Ahoratos with his best friend, Brianna (whom he affectionately refers to as “Bean") after they confronted a bully at their favorite hang-out—the Cedar Creek Recreational Center. Always outgoing, Levi wants to fit in and be liked and can sometimes be a little too confident. In Ahoratos, he begins to learn to be humble after ignoring wise advice and getting caught in a particularly sticky situation. With the help of Ruwach, and his trusty armor, he begins to identify the deception tactics the enemy uses to throw him off track.

Prince Evan Blake
Top Traits:
Funny, Affectionate, Mischievous
Playing video games
Family Note:
Brother of Prince Xavier
Evan arrived in Ahoratos after jumping out of a second story window, running through a forest with falling trees, and then jumping into a lake. His entrance into the unseen realm fits him well because it was a BIG entrance—just like his personality.
Cute and quite the jokester, Evan is well-liked by everyone—except his older brother sometimes. Often, he feels outmatched because he’s younger and smaller than the rest of the kids, but he soon learns that he has unique gifts that are valuable, namely his courage and confidence—when he channels it appropriately. As they work through tricky situations in Ahoratos, Evan and his brother begin to appreciate each other and their relationship starts to flourish.

Princess Brianna Turner
Top Traits:
Vivacious, Feminine, Talkative, Imaginative
Reading, Crafting with a lot of glitter
Family Note:
Lives with her grandparents and three older sisters
Princess Brianna—nicknamed “Bean” by her best friend, Levi—arrived in Ahoratos after confronting a bully and then being spun about in a peculiar vortex that dropped her smack in the middle of a vast desert, in the path of an enormous sand grobel.
Quite the fashionista, Brianna loves anything sparkly, covered in glitter, and colorful. Her trademark is her glittery lip gloss which she carries everywhere she goes. She is high-spirited, but a bit of a know-it-all. She often has a hard time listening to the opinions of others and often resists the chivalry of the boys. But in Ahoratos she begins to learn that it is ok to be fierce and feminine. With the help of Ruwach she discovers that it is ok to have a teachable spirit.

Prince Manuel Santos
Top Traits:
Very smart, Analytical
Conducting experiments and working on science projects
Family Note:
Lives with his widower father
To get to Ahoratos the first time, Prince Manuel jumped into a tornado-like whirlwind—which went against all his logic, something he is not used to doing.
Very smart but not particularly athletic, Manuel prefers to bury his nose in a science book and try his hand at inventing something new to sports or playing outside. Sometimes, he almost knows too much. He would rather rely on his own knowledge to keep him safe, but what he doesn’t know is that he can’t make anything that will keep him safe against the schemes of the Evil One. In Ahoratos, he learns to act on faith and use the armor given to him by Ruwach—even when his mind hasn’t made sense of everything.

James Arthur, aka Mr. J. Ar.
Top Traits:
Athletic, Strong, Wise Mentor
Volunteering, Mentoring kids, Sports
Family Note:
Levi’s father
Mr. J. Ar is devoted to his faith, his family, and the kids at the Cedar Creek Rec Center. Energetic and fun-loving, he is quick to jump in and referee a game of basketball, lead an activity, or even help kids with their homework. There’s more to Mr. J. Ar. than the kids initially realize, and his knowledge of Ahoratos and commitment to helping the warriors grow spiritually will prove to be life saving.

Top Traits:
Sage, Counselor, Guide
Ruwach is a mystery being who resides in the unseen realm. His voice commands attention both in and out of Ahoratos. Ruwach is compassionate, but he isn’t led by his emotions. Somehow, he is always able to give perfect insight and support for whatever situation the warriors are facing. He guides the warriors through their battles in Ahoratos and makes sure that they are armed for victory.

The Source
Top Traits:
All-knowing Creator of all things in and out of Ahoratos, Author of THE BOOK
The Source is always present with the warriors wherever they are. He is the author of THE BOOK and all power from which the Warriors draw originates with him. He holds all of creation and all of Ahoratos in his hands. The Prince Warriors have never seen him but they know and fully believe that he is there.